Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Excuses Are Like Armpits…
            Excuses are like armpits, everybody has them and they stink.  In Exodus 3, God calls Moses to bring the Israelites out of Egypt.  Instead of accepting God’s call, Moses makes excuses to weasel his way out.  First excuse, Moses says, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” (Ex. 3:11).  God reminds him that He will be with him.  Second excuse, Moses wants to know what he will say to the people when they inquire the Lord’s name (Ex. 3:13).  God responds with, “I AM WHO I AM.”   Third excuse, Moses said, “Suppose they will not believe me” (Ex. 4:1).  God reassures him by showing him signs and wonders.  Fourth excuse Moses brings to God is, “I am not eloquent… I am slow of speech and slow of tongue” (Ex. 4:10).  God challenges him by asking, “Who has made man’s mouth?... Have not I, the Lord?” 

            Like Moses, God has called us on a mission to “Seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10).  What excuse will you give to God in order to weasel your way out of accomplishing this mission?  God has a response for any excuse you would like to offer.   Excuses are like armpits, everybody has them and they stink.  God doesn’t want your excuses, He wants results.  

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