Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The other day, there was a family at the church in Wotutu that wanted to celebrate the birth of their new baby.  They said that they wanted to have a fellowship meal.  They invited all of the congregation over to their house for fellowship and a meal.  Tonight, Wednesday night we had a celebration meal after Bible study which was honoring the teachers who came to teach in the school for the past two weeks.  This was such an honor to me and the other minister teaching the short courses.  I think it was interesting and yet very satisfying of what both celebration meals consisted of.  Popcorn and peanuts.  This seems to be common here in the Wotutu village for celebration special occasions.  In America, we might think that is all, where is the potluck, where is the buffet, but it is really all you need.  It is amazing how much popcorn and peanuts can bring people together and how they are so happy just to be in the midst of each other and fellowship. 
                There is also another celebration that we as Christians are about.  Not just the birth of a baby or ministers coming to teach the gospel, but the Celebration that Jesus rose from the dead according to the scriptures.  We celebrate in a similar way.  We do not celebrate in a buffet or a full-fledged meal.  We celebrate with a small cracker of unleavened bread, and a small amount of the fruit of the vine.  This meal is small, yet one of the most important ones that we celebrate.  It is to remember the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  It is a time of fellowship between one another and our Lord.  Let us not so much focus on the contents of what we eat at a celebration event, but rather on the occasion, whether that be popcorn and peanuts, or a cracker and fruit of the vine.  May God bless you as you glorify Him.

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