Friday, October 2, 2015

Following the Leader

Following the Leader

Thought: Joshua is preparing the people to cross over the Jordan and take the land that God has given to them.  Notice the response the people give to their leader, Joshua.  Verse 16 – “All that you command us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go.”  A good thought to mimic in following our leadership at Jscoc.  Let us through good times and bad times be strong and courageous in our efforts for kingdom growth. 
1.      How many days did the people have to prepare to cross over the Jordan?
2.      To whom did Joshua tell they would stay on this side of the Jordan, but would have to help their brethren fight?
3.      Did the people recognize Joshua as their leader?  Y or N
4.      What would happen to those who rebelled against Joshua’s command?

Exercise:   Follow the Leader
Take turns and play a simple game of Follow The Leader. 
-          How hard was it to follow the leader sometimes?
-          How hard is it do follow the leadership in the church, from God? 

o   He who cannot be a good follower cannot be a good leader.  – Aristotle

Prayer: Pray that we will be good followers of God and those who lead us now so the we can prepare ourselves to be leaders.  Pray that God’s will is always accomplished in our lives.

Answers: 1. 3       2. Reubenites, Gadites, ½ tribe of Manasseh                3. Yes (v.17)         4. Put to death (v.18) 

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